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While the major media continues to cover the devastation in Haiti, a bottle-neck of aid continues to delay recovery.

Red Cross appeals via Mobile and Internet sources are proving to be successful, but the public shouldn't become desensitized to the horror that is everyday life in Haiti. The road to recovery will be a long one.

Red Cross


Haiti Quake

Invasions, crises, disasters - the stuff of comics - seem ever more prevalent these days. Disturbing and frequent, these events occur with increasing magnitude. Also, like the Indian Ocean Earthquake which caused the 2004 Tsunami, the tremors struck in roughly the same period of the year.

With a tortured history, Haiti has struggled for decades, for self-rule, for basic rights, and against poverty.  Now, another blow has been struck and the people of Haiti are in desperate need of aid.

The majority of comics history has presented acts of heroism and bravery. Now is the time for action.


Contract Website!

Contract is a comic that - let's face it - features a world a lot more like 2010 was always envisioned to be. Not HOW it was envisioned to be - just, you know - with lots of tech and... flying cars.

The fabulous Contract website, http://www.contractcomic.com/ has been polished for 2010 with a bundle of merc goodies. There is a growing gallery of Contract related art, including some mighty fine Anime-styled renditions of the cast and new web comics - all found with handy-dandy links on the home page. The web-shorts will be a continuing feature, as will new issues of Contract Vol. 2. And of course, don't forget to purchase past and new, full issues of Contract via our order links and business buddies.

Need a shirt on your back? Why, there's a cool selection of Ts just waiting for you at a few presses of delightful buttons. That's right - merc merchandise! LOL!

Jump over to the Contract website! Thanks for coming :)



2010! Wow! No flying cars.
Not for lack of trying.

Above, is an example from the last century - refurbished and fully functional. Of course, the neighborhood cul-de-sac would need an airstrip or two to accommodate.

Still, there are more modern designs and those that consider the need for vtol (vertical take off and landing). They bring a whole new meaning to "curb appeal".

What does the future hold? Traffic lights in the sky? Predator remote planes converted for policing purposes? No-fly zones and fly-only routes? What altitude would be regulated by law? Tiers in the sky.

All this and more can be found within the pages of Contract. While not all the worlds of the Argo system are so developed, the space-ports and certain large cities have flying cars on display.