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Purchase at ComiXology and enter the World of Contract.

Think of a world without taxes. All that extra cash, no IRS breathing down your neck. Pretty nice huh? Now picture a world without the things taxes provide: No police, no fire service, no military, no Government. Still liking it? Wait, it gets better.

Now imagine everything that was provided by the Government farmed out to the private sector. Just got shot?
No worries.

Hundreds of ambulance companies are literally fighting for your business, so long as you have insurance.
And after you’re all patched up, why not hire yourself a Merc to track down the punk to get some revenge.

Welcome to the dark future of capitalism where Mercenary is no longer just a soldier for hire, but a way of life

A world where life and death is decided by the lowest bidder and cyber powered Mercs lay down the law, so long as it meets their contract price.
There is no right and wrong...
beyond the price in hard currency.